In the beginning we can look at the top of this Taonga to see there are three different types of kete - one is Whānaungatanga (family-group), the second represents Whakaute (respect), the third represents Kotahitanga (unity-united).
Each of the whānau that come for help to our whare, take these three steps to enable them to make positive changes in their lives. So now we can go down to the bottom and you can see there are flowers/lilies and they represent the mahi being done to help the whānau thrive and to flourish. Now we look at the right side of this Taonga and can see three Koru and three Paua which represent the wairua of all the whānau who have been helped and that have achieved the three steps. The korus hold the flowers which are the families/whanau that Jigsaw North have helped thrive and flourish, in a safe and healthy environment. Looking at the base of the Taonga we see that there is a dark Pounamu background - the designer wanted it to represent the Pou tokomana, the main pillar of the whare that keeps the house up. This has a significant meaning to represent the kaimahi who are the strength of the whare of Jigsaw North Manaaki Whānau. |
Ka tiro atu mātau ki te ikeiketanga o .tēneki taonga i te tuatahi ka tirohia e tātou ki ngā kete e toru, Ko te Whānaungatanga, Ko te kete tua rua ko te Whakaute ko te kete tua toru ko te Kotahitanga.
Ka kore e tutuki ngā whānau i ngēneki kete e toru e kore e taeaa e rātou ki te hunuku ki tētehi atu wāhanga o te whānau. No reira me tutuki i ia wāhanga o ngēneki kete, ka heke ki raro te wāhi e takoto ana ngā putiputi e whakaatu ngā ngēneki pua, ko ngā whānau i tutuki i ngā kete e toru me te toko maha o ngā whanau i tutuki i ngā kete e toru me te toko maha o ngā whānau i āwhinatia e ngā kaimahi ki tutuki ngā taiepa o te Ao, ka tiro ki te taha katou ki ngā koru me ngā paua e toru e hono ana ngā kete e toru, e ai ki ngā kōrero ko ngā wairua o ngeneki whanau me nga kaimahi ka tau i muri i ngā āhua katoa, ka tiro ki ngā pounamu, ko ngā kōrero ko ngā wairua o ngā whānau, me ngā kaimahi. Ka tau whakamuri i ngā mea katoa, ka kite i te pounamu, ko ngā kōrero te kaha hoki o te pounamu, Kare e taea e te tangata e āhei ana ki te whati i ngā taonga o te māori nō reira ka tau nei te whakamārama, ā, ko te poutokomana ko ngā kaimahi e kore e taea ana ngā whānau kia anga whakamua ki te tutuki i nga haipapa o te whānau ki te kore he poutokomanawa, he Kotahitanga tēraka. Nō reira e ngā Mana e ngā Reo, e ngā Karangaranga Maha, Mauri Ora. |
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