Building Awesome WhānauIf you’re looking after tamariki, Jigsaw North can help you become an awesome parent, grandparent or caregiver - even more awesome than you already are!
Run over 6 weekly, 2 hour sessions, with a small group of parents and Tania, one of our amazing Toolbox facilitators. She keeps it REAL. Lots of fun and useful stuff. |
Circle of Security Parenting
At times, all parents can feel lost of confused about what their child might need from them. Learn how to protect and nurture babies through teens while encouraging independence, and what emotional needs a child may be expressing with difficult behaviour.
Run over 8 consecutive weeks with our specially trained facilitators. |
Mai te po ki te Ao Marama
Te ihi, te wehi, te wana me te mana A therapeutic anger change program for mums. Focused on skills and interventions to keep children safe, by supporting positive parenting, without anger. Run over 8 consecutive weeks in a small, friendly group in parallel with the four school terms. |
Understanding Change, Loss and Grief Adult Seminar (3 hours)
An interactive seminar for adults seeking to deepen their general understanding of the nature and impact of change loss and grief on their wellbeing. Exploring the Seasons of Grief small group Adult Programme (2.5 hours over 4 weeks) Provides a small group environment for adults to learn and share in more depth about the personal impacts of change, loss and grief on their wellbeing, and develops skills in communication, decision-making and problem-solving. |
Seasons for Growth Children and Young Peoples Programme is a small group education programme that supports children and young people who have experienced significant changes in their lives to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and respond well to experiences of change, loss and grief. The small group programme uses the imagery of the seasons to illustrate the experience of grief and provides a safe space for children and young people where they can give voice to their experiences, understand their feelings, learn problem-solving and decision-making skills, develop friendships, and recognise they are not alone.
What Our Clients Are Saying